“There are dreams

I have not yet lived,”

she said.


Life is a story waiting to be told.

My life has always revolved around stories. Reading, writing, watching, living. I prefer to be in a perpetual state of fascination - it keeps away the uncertainty. Our lives may be brief but our stories may be eternal.

  • We’re given one divine chance to explore this world, and create a story worth living. So… where to first?

  • We may not be here forever, but the stories we record and share may be. What do you want to send out in your wake?

  • Art and creation is at the heart of human nature. From painting to poetry to making theatre- there’s always another story to be shared.


I'm a writer, traveler, and artist exploring every facet of our curious world.


“Courage, dear heart.”

I create stories, art, and opportunities to travel our world.


No spam- only stories & dreams I’d like to share with you. Maybe a bit of travel advice, too.